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Virtual Reality: The Metaverse

We have all seen the concept of the  metaverse  in a variety of sci-fi movies such as Matrix  or Ready Player One. If you have seen this movies you know more or less what I’m talking about, a digital universe that can be accessed through virtual reality. If you think about today’s internet as a virtual two-dimensional (2D) space where you can produce and share content, create value and connect with anyone anywhere, then the metaverse may be thought of as a virtual three-dimensional (3D) space where you can do everything that you can do in today's internet while being fully immersed (through VR/AR) in that space exactly as you would be in the real world, but in a virtual realistic graphics-driven manner while being able to interact, connect, transact and create with others. "The metaverse is portrayed in popular media as a fully immersive online realm that looks similar to the real world but is computer generated. People can flip back and forth between the physical and virtua

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