Social media: Our choice of suffering

Social media has become part of our daily lives, we attached to them without any remedy. 

YouTube has almost 2.300 billion active users, Facebook has 2.91 billion, TikTok 1 billion and Twitter 350 million. Social media grows every day and in every single one we fabricate a character who we are known for by people we are never going to meet. There is an existent necessity to a virtual fake life to refugee ourselves from our own truth. Or at least this is how people behave when using this platforms. 

Our social media friendships have replaced our daily coffee with actual friends. We spend hours in our phones to fill the void of human connection. It is even weird now for someone to not have any type of social media. 

It is also more common to view this media from a commercial perspective, businesses are expanding through this via as it is the queen of getting into people’s heads. Algorithms are our own self-destruction, since they know how, when and who to show in order to keep you online for as long as possible. It trick us to believe our wins need to be shown or it does not count as a win, or that the number of followers/likes is equal to your value. It is the ultimate source of fake power. 

We suffer yet enjoy the algorithm. Same as the magic of a drug, what creates the addiction.
